"Canadian Swim Patrol provides enriched training for young swimmers who are ready to go beyond learn-to-swim with introduction to water proficiency, first aid and recognition and rescue skills." - the Lifesaving Society

Sign up for one of our Swim Patrol classes that will give you the skills to save lives! We offer a range of classes that are suitable to all levels under the world-wide recognized high standards of the Lifesaving Society. 

Canadian Swim Patrol

(Rookie Patrol, Ranger Patrol, Star Patrol)

The Lifesaving Society’s Swim Patrol program is a three-level progressive series and is a Pre-Bronze program. Candidates earn recognition for success in content modules and for overall award achievement. The program aligns with the Lifesaving Society’s Learn to Swim program in improving aquatic safety through education. Children usually enter this program at age 7 to 12 years of age depending on their swimming ability and their interest. 



Rookie Patrol:

As a pre-requisite, candidates should be able to have the endurance to swim 350 metres. They will need to be able to swim 100 metres in 3 minutes or less by the end of the course. Rookie Patrol develops swimming strength and efficiency with emphasis on personal safety. Included in this course is a 100-metre timed swim, swimming in clothes, water rescue skills, as well as First Aid skills such as rescue breathing.

Ranger Patrol:

 Candidates must have successfully completed Rookie Patrol. Ranger Patrol involves skill drills that enhance the student's capability in the water. Included in this course is a non-contact rescue and a 200-metre timed swim. First Aid skills include obstructed airways and care for victims in shock.

Star Patrol:

Candidates must have successfully completed Ranger Patrol. Star Patrol involves a 300-metre timed swim as well as a 600-metre workout. First Aid skills include care for external bleeding, obstructed airways on unconscious victims and a rescue of 20-metres with a towing aid.