Learn more about some of our exciting upcoming events at Swim Fins Swim School!


When: Tue, Feb 18 - Mon, Feb 24 | Where: Swim Fins School Locations

What is Open House?

Be Prepared to See…

  • Your child's amazing progress with us!

  • The "Swim Fins" program in action: the coach will put on a 30 minute show using an adjusted open house lesson plan, so you can see what we will be working on as well as witness your child's best skills to date.

  • The professionals in action and learn about Swim Fins developmental goals for your child for the next Session.

Check out some pictures from our last Open House:


“I was amazed to see how quickly my THREE-year-old daughter went from not being able to swim at all to being able to confidently jump in the water and swim around the pool.”

- Melissa Calvin



When: Tue, Feb 25 - Mon, Mar 3 | Where: Swim Fins School Locations

“Drowning is the number one cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1 to 4 and a leading cause for young people up to 14 years of age. Participation in formal swimming lessons has been shown to reduce the risk of drowning by up to 88% for 1-4 year olds.”

“Every year, approximately 400 people drown in Canada with 64% of drownings occurring from May - September.”

(Brenner et al., 2009)

Swim FINS Swim to Survive Program:

Be prepared to see…

Swim to Survive week shows how our students survive falling unexpectedly into deep water while fully clothed!

How should you prepare your child for swim to survive?

Please have your child come to their Swim to Survive lesson wearing the following things:

  • Clean clothing (including socks, sweat pants or leggings, a t-shirt).

  • Clean inside shoes that you don’t mind getting wet.

  • Bathing suit underneath their normal clothing so they’re ready for their swim lesson after demonstrating their survival skills!

Check out some pictures and videos from our last Swim to Survive week:


“Seeing my son be able to survive a fall with clothes on was the biggest gift to my peace of mind. Thank you Swim Fins!”

- Jas Gill



If your kids haven’t participated in our Swim to Survive Program, it is a must! Sign up for our Upcoming Sessions and experience it first-hand.