Can Babies Learn To Swim?

The short answer is YES, babies can learn to swim! In fact, at Swim Fins, we highly encourage starting your child's swim lessons from the age of 6 months old. Over the years, we often get parents asking if it’s worth signing their infant up for swim lessons while they’re so young so here is why we think swim lessons are a smart choice for your baby.

The main objective of swim lessons for infants is drowning prevention and learning basic water safety. In Canada, drowning is still the second leading cause of death in children under 14. Formal swimming lessons reduce that risk by 88% according to America’s National Institute of Health. At Swim Fins, we teach the Swim Fins program in conjunction with the Red Cross Swim program. Our program is designed by the owner to meet the needs of young swimmers. As a result, Swim Fins students learn to Swim in ¼ of the time. 

Some of the other benefits of infant swim lessons we’ve found are:

  • Building confidence at an early stage of the child’s life by being challenged in a safe environment while being supported by their parents. We find starting swimming lessons young also helps get ahead of the possibility of the child developing a fear of water as they get older.

  • Providing an opportunity for creating emotional bonds between the infant and the adult in the water with them.

  • Developing muscle coordination and improving balance.

  • Developing muscles and exercising the infant’s heart, lungs and brain safely.

  • Improvements in sleep patterns and appetite after swim lessons.

So in essence, our answer to the question “Should I register my baby for swim lessons?” is an enthusiastic, resounding YES ABSOLUTELY! We have many different classes to choose from, don’t delay! Our program runs year round at our pools in Richmond, Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Cloverdale, and Abbotsford. For more information on our programs, how to register, and much more, head over to our website! Come swim with Swim Fins: